Welcome Home to the


Where Christian Creatives Connect for Life, Learning, & Livelihood.

Learn How To Create, Publish, Market & Sell Your Christian Titles

Quickly learn how to create, publish, market & sell Christian titles yourself with our CPP University courses, best practices documents, & insider tips.

The CPP University provides on-line courses, best practices documents, & insider tips for writing & publishing

Hire A Trusted Christian Expert To Do All Or Part Of Your Project

Quickly find & hire trusted Christian Experts on the CPP Marketplace to do all or part of your Christian Creative project for you. 

Hire a trusted, Christian Freelancer from the CPP Marketplace

Sell Your Professional Services On The CPP Marketplace

Offer your professional services for sale on the CPP Marketplace to help fellow believers get things done while earning an honest wage. 

The CPP Marketplace enables Christian Creative to sell their professional writing and publishing-related services to fellow believers around the globe

Everything Starts With Our Free CPP Membership 

Join our CPP Community of Christian Creatives today.  It's FREE and comes with awesome benefits, including:

Access to the CPP University, Access to our CPP Marketplace of Christian services, & Eligibility to apply to become a seller on the Marketplace. 

One Minute Explains It All...

The CPP University provides on-line courses, best practices documents, & insider tips for writing & publishing


Awesome "HOw To" courses  

With exactly what you need 

to get your project done!

-  The CPP University has an ever-growing collection of free and premium courses -

Exceptional On-line Courses & Resources Created By Christian Experts

  • Step by step "How To" courses for planning, creating, publishing, marketing & selling Christian Titles. 
  • From publishing a book, to releasing an album, to writing your first screenplay the CPP has you covered.
  • Courses are available anytime, anywhere, and with any smart device. Enjoy free courses & buy premium.
  • Benefit from downloadable Top 10 lists, insider tips, best practices, & our awesome community.
  • Learn how to save money and time while avoiding legal trouble by writing off business expenses, avoiding common publishing contract pitfalls, and understanding US Copyright law (and more). 
  • Join the CPP now - it's free - and learn the Christian Creative skills you need to excel in your craft.

- Only CPP Members May Take Our FREE Courses & Buy Premium Courses -

with the CPP Marketplace, you can 

Hire Trusted Christian Experts 

To help with your Projects

SO you can Rest easy!

 - Join the CPP and never worry again about finding expert help -

Hire a trusted, Christian Freelancer from the CPP Marketplace
  • We love DIYers and provide all the training needed to create, publish, market, and sell Christian titles yourself. But we also want you to RELAX and know you can get help when you want it. 
  • The CPP Marketplace Features Trusted Christian Services Providers offering expert help with all or part of our member's project/s at a fair price.
  • All CPP Services Providers have an excellent work history and have agreed to abide by the CPP's "NO Hassle" refund policy, Code of Ethics, & our Christian mediation process for any disputes.
  • Every financial transaction with our Services Providers is backed by the CPP when conducted through our marketplace. So you can RELAX. 
  • To access the CPP Marketplace and hire a CPP services provider, just sign up for our FREE CPP Membership. Signing up is quick, easy, & FREE (there are no membership or subscription fees).
  • So what are you waiting for?  Join the CPP (for free) and stop going it alone. Save time, money, & peace of mind with our trusted Christian services providers. 

Only CPP Members May Hire Christian Experts From the CPP Marketplace.

The CPP Marketplace enables Christian Creative to sell their professional writing and publishing-related services to fellow believers around the globe

With the CPP Marketplace, YOu CAN

sell your pro services  

To our CPP Members  

to help & Earn.

 - any CPP member can apply to become a Seller on the CPP -

  • If you have the skills, we have the opportunities for Sellers & Influencers on our CPP Marketplace.
  • Once approved, you can set up your profile, list your services, and start selling in minutes.
  • You can even sell online courses you've designed on the CPP's Learning Management System. 
  • Sellers can also earn money and perks by "opting in" to our Christian Publicity Network as influences, bloggers, podcasters, book reviewers, reading groups, and more.
  • All CPP Services Providers must have an excellent work history and agree to abide by the CPP's "NO Hassle" refund policy, Code of Ethics, & our Christian mediation/arbitration process for any disputes.
  • Every financial transaction Sellers engage in with our members (buyers) is backed by the CPP when conducted through our marketplace. So you can RELAX.
  • There are no membership or subscription fees for CPP members (buyers or sellers).
  • Apply now to become a CPP Marketplace Seller (for free) and start helping fellow believers while earning extra income and perks.

Members May Apply to Become Marketplace Sellers From Their  Member's Dashboard.

join our CPP community &

Connect with fellow  

christian creatives  

for life, learning, & Livelihood

 - it's great to connect with fellow Christian creatives -

Connect For 


Many members are surprised and delighted to find the CPP's collection of "Life Coaching" materials... Bible-based courses & resources that help members overcome some of life's toughest challenges... like caring for aging parents, and breaking the chains of addictions.  

Connect For


The CPP University provides excellent "how to" courses for creating, publishing, marketing and selling Christian titles... and each course reminds us why we are doing what we do... to honor Jesus with the creative talents he has given us to steward.   

Connect For


Discovering the CPP's Services Marketplace is an answer to many member's prayers. Working with trusted Christian experts is quite a gift, and selling services on the Marketplace is an awesome way to help fellow believers while earning extra money. 

join the CPP Today... You'll be Glad you Did.
