Welcome Home to the
Where Christian Creatives Connect for Life, Learning, & Livelihood.
Everything Starts With Our Free CPP Membership
Join our CPP Community of Christian Creatives today. It's FREE and comes with awesome benefits, including:
Access to the CPP University, Access to our CPP Marketplace of Christian services, & Eligibility to apply to become a seller on the Marketplace.
One Minute Explains It All...
Exceptional On-line Courses & Resources Created By Christian Experts
- Only CPP Members May Take Our FREE Courses & Buy Premium Courses -
with the CPP Marketplace, you can
Hire Trusted Christian Experts
To help with your Projects
SO you can Rest easy!
- Join the CPP and never worry again about finding expert help -

Only CPP Members May Hire Christian Experts From the CPP Marketplace.

With the CPP Marketplace, YOu CAN
sell your pro services
To our CPP Members
to help & Earn.
- any CPP member can apply to become a Seller on the CPP -
Members May Apply to Become Marketplace Sellers From Their Member's Dashboard.
join our CPP community &
Connect with fellow
christian creatives
for life, learning, & Livelihood
- it's great to connect with fellow Christian creatives -

Connect For
Many members are surprised and delighted to find the CPP's collection of "Life Coaching" materials... Bible-based courses & resources that help members overcome some of life's toughest challenges... like caring for aging parents, and breaking the chains of addictions.

Connect For
The CPP University provides excellent "how to" courses for creating, publishing, marketing and selling Christian titles... and each course reminds us why we are doing what we do... to honor Jesus with the creative talents he has given us to steward.
Connect For

Discovering the CPP's Services Marketplace is an answer to many member's prayers. Working with trusted Christian experts is quite a gift, and selling services on the Marketplace is an awesome way to help fellow believers while earning extra money.
join the CPP Today... You'll be Glad you Did.