Welcome home to the CPP

This is our story, and we hope 

it will become part of yours.

Challenges Christian Creatives Face 

Christian Creatives (e.g., Christian authors, artists, screenwriters, filmmakers, and others) want to honor God with their talents, but many secular companies, mentors, and training venues don't share our faith, values, or worldview.

As a result, Christian creatives are often left with the choice to either leave their faith at the door or be treated as an outcast - or worse. God did not intend it to be this way. Jesus calls us to live out our faith in everything we do.  

Solutions The CPP Provides

The Christian Publishing Portal (CPP) is a global community of Christian creatives dedicated to helping one another excel in life, our creative craft, and our livelihood for the express purpose of honoring God in everything we do.  

To accomplish this purpose, the CPP offers its members a variety of tools including:

  • CPP University courses, best practices documents, and insider tips to hone our members technical and creative skills. 
  • CPP Services Marketplace to quickly and safely connect Christian Creative BUYERS with trusted Christian Creative SELLERS who have the expertise needed.
  • Biblically-Based Life Coaching materials, including books, bible studies, courses, and links to trusted Christian organizations to help overcome life's toughest challenges. 
  • Christ-Centered Operations:  "No Hassel" Refund policy, Christian Code of Ethics policy, and the CPP's Christian Mediation & Dispute Resolution policy.

Meet the FOUNDER of the Christian Publishing Portal

Dr. Bart Dahmer

- Founder & CEO / Christian Publishing Portal

Hello, I'm delighted to welcome you to our Christian Creative community.

I'm Bart Dahmer, a Christ-follower, husband, father, Gideon, and deacon at my local church. I'm also the founder and CEO of the Christian Publishing Portal (CPP) and Innovo Publishing, a global Christian publisher. 

Collectively, I've been privileged to have helped create, publish, market, and sell thousands of Christian and wholesome novels, textbooks, children's books, specialty books, ebooks, audiobooks, flipbooks, music albums, screenplays, and online courses. 

Now, I'm sharing my publishing expertise, best practices, and insider tips with fellow Christian creatives through our CPP University.  Here, you can learn how to create, publish, market & sell your titles yourself, affordably and with excellence and  from a single source you can trust. 

We also created our CPP Services Marketplace where you can quickly find & hire trusted Christian experts and Christ-centered organizations to help with all or part of your project. So you never have to worry about getting stuck. And every Marketplace transaction is backed by the CPP so you can relax. 

As scripture teaches us, iron sharpens iron. So, I hope you will join us and help spur one another on to walk in the good works that God prepared in advance for each of us.  

In Christ,


The CPP's Mission is Simple

  • Help Christian creatives learn everything they need to know to create, publish, market, and sell Christian titles themselves (DIY) with excellence and in a manner that honors God. 
  • Provide a Christ-centered Marketplace where members can hire trusted and vetted Christian Experts to help them with all or part of their projects when they need it and for a fair price... and to sell their professional services on the Marketplace.
  • Equip members to grow in their walk with Jesus by providing Biblically-based "Life-Coaching" materials and encouragement to help members overcome life's toughest challenges.
  • Operate the CPP according to Biblically-based principles with written policies and consistent application and accountability for all constituent groups.

Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, 

that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 

- Romans 12:2 NKJV

 Join Our Global Community of Christian Creatives

Here's What Our Members Are Saying . . .

First, I wrote a book about taking care of aging parents & grandparents . . . then a companion guide, then an online course. Bart and his team have guided me every step of the way. The CPP's Partner Plus program is the way to go!  Want to see for yourself?  Just click here.   

Leah Stanley,  Author, Speaker

Leah Stanley

I am grateful to be a member of the CPP and a Seller on the CPP Marketplace. The process was easy and painless, and my course, Revelation Simply Put, was set up and ready to go in record time. It's exciting to be a part of a  community  using their creative talents to honor God.

Jodi A. Matthews, Author, Speaker

Jodi A. Matthews

Want to Have Some Fun (we do that at the CPP) 

 Test Your Knowledge of Copyright Law
