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God created you with a unique purpose and plan. Our journeys take us through crossroads where decisions must be made, to mountaintops where victories are celebrated, and to detours where a once stable voyage suddenly takes a new turn. Much of the time, the most difficult part is living through all the unknowns as we try to discover what God’s plan is.
My Life as a Single Mom: Seven Biblical Lessons for Transforming Your Life and Family is a seven-week individual study composed of collective works from God’s Word and from others who lived centuries before. This study is geared toward single mothers but is an essential resource for all women, addressing fundamental truths every woman needs to walk in her faith. Through His Word, God gives principles to instruct her, wisdom to guide her, and truths to help her as she moves forward on the journey that has been entrusted to her.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:9 NASB
11 lessons
I am a fellow believer and experienced Alzheimer’s/ dementia caregiver—I’ve walked this thing out four times. So let me help you learn from my mistakes and triumphs.
This course is perfect for the person who wants to learn as much as they can using an easy to navigate lesson structure with active links to more information. The course is best viewed on a PC or tablet and requires an internet connection.
8 lessons
Logged In User
Adrian Rogers takes you through the last 9 chapters of Revelation. You will look not just at what happens to those who accept or reject Jesus and the wrath that will be poured out, but also the beautiful picture of Christ's return to claim His bride and the remarkable description of our eternal home.
19 Lessons - None
Logged In User
Adrian Rogers takes you through the first 13 chapters of Revelation. You will learn that God’s primary purpose in giving Revelation was to forewarn and to bless His people. Some of what you will discover are: the attributes of God and the significance of numbers, on through the seals of the scrolls and the destruction that will rise up.
19 Lessons - Intermediate
Premium Course
ABOUT THE BOOK: The book of Revelation visually explained. This scholastic work is a comprehensive, visual, page-by-page commentary on the Book of Revelation, illustrated with full-color graphics and rich Bible charts, generating a successful, productive, and fruitful comprehension of the most complex book of Scripture. See this prophetic puzzle of the last days come together with sound, solid, scriptural answers for every pastor, teacher, or layman reading its pages. The book includes The Revelation Guide Guy, filling in “missing pieces” of the prophetic puzzle for Scripture harmonization; powerful charts, diagrams, and maps to aid in understanding chronology; and over 100 dynamic, colorful visuals explaining each chapter. Get answers to Are We Living in the Last Days, Daniel’s 70th Week, The Tribulation Period, The Millennium, The Second Coming, The Antichrist, and much more.
31 Lessons - Intermediate
- Audio Bible Commentary & Study Resources -
Listen to verse-by-verse audio commentary on all 66 books of the Bible
by Dr. J. Vernon McGee & Through the Bible Ministries.
Audio Commentary for all 27 Books of the New Testament by J. Vernon McGee
- Click to listen to Dr. McGee's verse by verse commentary -